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This is where you will apply for semesters abroad programs, travel courses, and the Global Education Scholarship. If you want to explore our programs more in depth, visit our website.

First-time Users

If you are applying for a program for the first time you must start an application to any program that interests you and that you are eligible for or request information.

Steps to Apply

  1. Click on "Programs" in black menu bar.
  2. Click on a program that interests you and you are eligible for.
  3. Click "Apply Now" on the brochure.
  4. If you are a UNE student, log in using UNE OKTA, otherwise, use external account.

Returning Users

If you are in the process of applying or have applied for a study abroad program, using this website, you can login in the upper right of the black menu bar.

Semesters Abroad

Tangier Banner No Text


UNE Morocco, the first study abroad campus to be established in Morocco by a U.S. university, features state-of-the-art facilities in the heart of one of the major cultural, economic and political hubs of the region.

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Spain Banner No Text


Our partnership with the University Pablo de Olavide enables you to spend a semester in Seville — where the ancient meets the modern, and world cultures converge.

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Aix-en-Provence Banner No Text


Spend a semester abroad at UNE France in beautiful Aix-en-Provence, a charming university city in the south of France near the French Riviera and the Mediterranean.

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Iceland Banner No Text


Explore Iceland in our semester abroad program at the University of Akureyri. The northern city of Akureyri, "The Green Town," is surrounded by mountains at the head of Iceland's longest fjord.

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Reykjavík Banner No Text


Explore Iceland in our semester abroad program at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík. Iceland’s largest city, Reykjavik, is a small, accessible city surrounded by glaciers, volcanos, waterfalls, hot springs, an abundance of wildlife.

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Other Opportunities

Iceland Travel Course Banner


Faculty-led short term travel courses are an exciting, enriching way to study abroad. You will meet in a traditional classroom setting throughout the semester to prepare for travel through readings, lectures, and coursework; then you'll travel during a semester break or during the summer to enhance your learning.

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Global Education Scholarship Banner


The Global Education Scholarship is designed to provide financial awards to meritorious students participating in approved global education programs.

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